Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I have issues with commitment. Not with my man (obviously, or else this blog would be a fat facade)... but with my health. I am constantly recommitting to myself when it comes to eating healthy, exercising and other lifestyle goals. When it comes to diet, I have always eaten pretty well... I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and a pretty balanced diet but I am equally guilty of over indulging in fats and sweets (especially sweets). As for exercise, we recently signed up for a gym membership and have been okay when it comes to getting to the gym but we could be going a lot more! At the beginning of this year, I told myself I was going to get serious and for the past 3 months I have been teeter tottering between doing pretty good and falling off the deep end again.

Then, about a month back, I had a mini revelation about eating meat... long story short, I saw a few documentaries and it totally changed my outlook on the meat and dairy industries. I basically told myself that at home I would try my hardest to eat no meat and little to no dairy and so far I have actually succeeded in that goal. When we go out, I will normally find a vegetarian dish on the menu, but when I am at someone else's house for dinner, that is when I will indulge. I guess the main reason that I have been able to keep with this "lifestyle" so far, is because I feel strongly about the reasons behind it... so why is it so hard to commit to more healthy choices? I mean, I feel like I feel strongly about my health (did that make sense?!)

Anyway, lately I have just been feeling down about my body and just the way I feel overall. Going semi-veg has given me some really positive results that I wasn't even expecting... but I want more... I am ready to really really stick to something.

Conveniently, the day after I started writing this, James decided to purchase the Insanity workout DVD's. Although it wouldn't have been my first choice for a "plan", I'm going for it! (Plus, Insanity was expensive and I'm not letting that money go to waste!)

If you haven't seen the Insanity infomercials, basically it is a high intensity cardio routine that is supposed to give you amazing results. It lasts a little over 60 days and also comes with a nutrition plan.

So we are giving Insanity 100% and the only valid excuse I will give myself to quit this is if it starts to hurt my back or neck. (I just started chiropractic care to correct my spine and I don't want to mess up the progress I've made) If I do have to quit Insanity, I have a lower impact back-up plan in place.

Reasons I am doing this:
  • To get in shape for my wedding... my first dress fitting is at the end of July and these next 3 months are my last chance to get into the shape I want to be (while still having a wedding dress that fits!)
  • To become stronger. I have always felt generally weak in my arms, so I definitely want to improve that, but I especially need to strengthen my core and back. Like I mentioned, I suffer from mild kyphosis (curvature of my spine) and it gives me a slight hunchback (ew). Not only that, but it gives me bad back pain as well as tension headaches. I feel that at 25, I shouldn't have to be dealing with this and I want to fix it ASAP. I just starting working with a chiropractor to make some corrections, but really the main problem with my posture is that I have a weak core. I need to build up muscle that is strong enough to support proper posture, the only way to do this is with specific stretching and exercises. (So hopefully Insanity will help rather than hinder my progress)
  • I am totally addicted to salt and sugar and I don't want to be. If I can stick with this program, I will get away from my old habits of binging on crap.
  • For a challenge. Basically, I just want to see if I can do it... mostly because I never finish anything and also because I know that it is going to be really, really tough!

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