Thursday, April 18, 2013

I am that mouse...

I don’t want to turn my wedding blog into a fitness blog, but this is taking over my life at the moment… especially since I am at a momentary pause from the chaos of planning our wedding. All of our deposits are in, save the dates are sent and the next couple of months should be pretty mellow (and then of course, shit will hit the fan). So other then finishing designing our invitations and spending the lot of our “decoration” funds online, I am basically focusing all of my energy on finalizing plans for my bachelorette party and the honeymoon. And other than plane tickets and hotel reservations, my main concern is getting my body ready for Vegas and Cancun, baby! I want to be able to look proudly back at all of the pictures and tell my future children, “Look sweety, I was hot before you ruined my body”.
So with that said, I’m going to do a mini update of my Insanity journey. This week, Week 2, I have noticed a significant different in my workout abilities. I feel stronger physically and mentally, I definitely have more endurance on both levels. I am really realizing the power of the food I am putting in my body and how it affects my workouts every day. On the other hand, the cravings are hitting us hard. While James is craving foods like cheeseburgers and pepperoni pizza, I am dying for sweets. We do each eat one square (yes, one square) of dark chocolate a night, after dinner… but other than that, the closest thing I’ve had to refined sugar is the quarter packet of Stevia sweetener that I’ve been putting in my iced green tea. Wait, I take that back, I had a Jameson and Ginger Ale last weekend and that obviously had sugar in it… but still, my point is, one teaspoon of simple syrup doesn't compare to a freakin’ cupcake! Yesterday, I made it a point to not wear my glasses into the break room at work because someone had put 3 boxes of assorted mini muffins and red velvet Lofthouse cookies (Lofthouse cookies are my absolute favorite cookie). I figured, if I couldn’t see the frosting clearly, then I wouldn’t crave them as much.
Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am addicted to sugar... and salt… and naps.
Okay. I actually feel a little better now…  is there a such thing as Desserts Anonymous, cause I feel like it might do my some good.
P.S. I know that one cookie won't hurt me, but it doesn't work that way... haven't you guys read "If you give a Mouse a Cookie"? (I am that mouse)

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