Monday, April 29, 2013

Insanity: Week 3

The workout:
This last week James and I have really started to realize the “catch” of the Insanity workouts. On week one you say, “Just wait until week 4, we will be so good at this!” but here is the truth (or at least my truth):
Week 1: you are just trying to not pass out. Week 2: now you have more endurance so you can actually keep up  with some of the exercises but you still need a ton of rest. Week 3: you need less rest but you still struggle with some of the tougher drills AND Week 4: Now that you are stronger you can actually do the exercises correctly and with good form, which makes the workout harder on a whole different level.
And after this week, we get a “recovery” week and then “Month 2” begins which is raised intensity and a longer workout… Insanity veterans say month 2 is like starting all over again! (not looking forward to that)
So we are still truckin’… I got some new training shoes (which has helped with some foot and knee pain I was having) but overall we are just LOVING it!!! (that was total sarcasm) Insanity doesn’t get easier like you think it will. After this week though, we will have our 3rd Fit Test and 1 months pictures to take! EEEK!
The diet:
This week has definitely been a weak one for us. We did good during the work week, as usual, but totally splurged this weekend, we drank wine and ate pizza and ITALIAN FOOD! It’s hard to say no to such delicious food when you are 6 glasses of wine deep! We got right back on track though… I think that for the most part we are used to the diet now, we are just struggling to find new recipes that we like to break the monotony of the same old healthy meals we are so practiced at making. Our newest invention is homemade flatbread pesto pizza on lavash bread, we love it!
Overall, although I am dreading the beginning of Month 2, I am excited  to see some results (they say is is ALL about month 2) I am also stoked about the release of Shaun T.’s (Insanity creator) new video “T25”… apparently it is like Insanity but shorter (only 25 minutes a day!)  This could be an awesome follow up to our Insanity adventure?!

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