Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Insanity: Week 2

The workout: This week, I felt so much stronger, mentally and physically. I find myself telling myself to “pull through” each exercise because I know there is going to be a 30 second break soon. (or Shaun T. in the background is yelling “dig deeper”, that can be either really motivating or really annoying, depending on the day). In week 2, my stretches were a little deeper, my knees were a little higher and I am actually starting to maintain form throughout the workouts, instead of being a pile of Sloppy  McSlopperson but the end of the video.
It is rough though maintaining the 6-day-a-week schedule (when it comes to the weekend). This last weekend we went stayed a night in San Francisco for a Giants game… we came home Saturday,  tired and totally unmotivated, but somehow, James dragged me from my comfy spot on the couch and we powered through… it really sucked.
The diet: Still going pretty strong, but we do have a weakness for weekends and social settings. This weekend we definitely had a cheat day… Cuban sandwiches and a few beers for the Giants game and amazing gruyere and pancetta breakfast sandwich the next morning. As of right now, gin and tonics and Miller 64’s are what we consider “diet liquor” and we are sticking to our guns! But like I said, for the most part, we have been good. The hardest part this week has been really sticking to the “5 meals a day” thing, we have been trying but mostly we get in about 4 meals.
Other Fun Stuff:
  • The end of week 2 meant our second fit test, and although I don’t have the numbers in front of me, James and I both did exceptionally better than Day 1!
  • I haven't lost any weight yet but I have noticed teeny changed in my body... looking forward to more! I especially want a tighter tummy for my super tight wedding dress so I can't wait to see some real results!

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