Tuesday, July 30, 2013

DIY: An Update of Mom's wedding dress

I like to say that my mom bought her wedding at a garage sale for $9.99... but only half of that is true, she bought it new for $9.99, an even better bargain!

The fact that my mom's wedding dress was an un-traditional pink, and perfectly matched my wedding colors, made me want to find somewhere to fit it in to my wedding festivities.. and I found the perfect spot for it: at my bridal shower!

 But I knew I would have to do somewhat of an "updating" to it because it was just a bit long for my taste (and 2013 for that matter). There wasn't much too it, I just trimmed off a few inches and hemmed it! Luckily for me, the dress already fit perfectly so this DIY project took me about 5 minutes!

(Sorry about the crappy pictures, I just had my phone and nobody to else around to help me!)


Before - front

Before - side

After - front
After - back

After - side

James came home and took a pic!

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