Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Lovely Bridal Shower...

...mostly pictures, but hey, that's the fun part, right?

So my bridal shower was fantastic! Yes, I was super stressed out and I do wish that I could've had like 15 more minutes to reapply my makeup before my guests started arriving... but after a long day, a cousin's baby shower in the morning and a horrible migraine to top it off, I eventually relaxed and drank numerous glasses of sangria!

My mom, sister (and maid of honor), Annah and I arrived back at my mother's house one hour before my shower was supposed to start and went into power mode. My other sister, Kristen, arrived at the same time and was our saving grace, she took care of and prepared ALL of the food while my mom and Annah set up everything else and I put my unwashed hair up in a sock bun... I guess there is no time for a shower when there are wine bottles to be opened!

With little direction, my mom and sis rifled through my many grocery bags full of random decor and somehow managed to set everything up exactly how I imagined my shower. I don't know how it was all done in under and hour... we literally did almost nothing the night before except hang up the twinkle lights! Wait... scratch that... I did wake up at 5 am in the morning to sounds of electric beaters and my mom was in the kitchen making red velvet cake... she hadn't even gone to bed yet after getting home from a late shift at work! Sadly, the cake didn't even turn out... poor ma... 3 boxes of cake (and sleep!) wasted!

Despite the craziness that was "pre-shower" once the guests started showing up, everything mellowed out and we were able to relax, eat, drink and play a few games!

A special thanks to my momma and my sisters for all of their help... it was the best shower a bride could ask for!

Sangria Station

The Taco Bar

Our tissue paper center pieces

Aunts and Cousins!

Dolly and I

My cousin Jenna and I

A few of my best friends and bridesmaids

James' grandma, mother and sister

Jenna made my beautiful rehearsal dinner bouquet... literally the PRETTIEST one I have ever seen!
The bouquet!
The maid of honor and I after the festivities

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