Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Insanity: Weeks 7, 8, 9?

So I haven't really been keeping up with posting my progress lately so I thought I would do an update. Technically I should be on my final week of Insanity but I'm not really going to call it that because Week 7 was a lazy week for me... I only like 3 days of workouts and I don't really want to count it. As of right now, I am doing either 4 or 5 days of the workouts and although many Insanity graduates would say that I'm not doing it 100%, it's working for me and I plan to continue with it after the 2 month mark.

Before Month 2 started, I was seriously worried about how hard it would be. Yes, it is very very hard but month 1 definitely does a good job in preparing you for the hardest workouts of your life (or mine, at least). Nowadays, I struggle the most with starting the workout, now that I don't have my workout partner, my motivation levels are lower and every single day their is a min battle in my head to get myself to workout. But once I start, I feel really good and I get better and better every day at doing the exercises correctly and efficiently.

Compared to Day 1, I feel so much stronger, especially in my upper body and core (the areas that were the weakest to begin with). I can hold a squat lower and for so much longer that before. I can now to a REAL push up, in fact I can almost do 10 in a row... no more girl push ups! (This has also allowed me to do more of the push-up based exercises accurately)

Looking in the mirror, my stomach feels and looks tighter and my #1 favorite thing is that my love handles are still shrinking! Overall though, I feel like the changes in my strength and endurance is still the nest outcome of this whole thing...

Moving forward, like I said, I plan to do a few more weeks of just Insanity and then start going back to the gym, and working with weight again. I also think I am going to mix in a few days of "Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack" for variety. Hopefully a combination of all of that will help break up the monotony of Insanity and encourage me to workout 5 days a week, every week!

As for my the whole "shedding for the wedding" aspect, my first dress fitting is on July 30th, so I basically have 7 weeks to loose a little more tummy... I plan on toning my arms a bit up too, but my strapless dress fitting wont affect that!

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