Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DIY: Adding Succulents to the Centerpieces

Finally, I have another wedding project to post about... this weekend we decided to buy the succulents to fill our centerpieces with! I wanted to be able to let the plants fill out a bit and what better time to get them started than in a week that started with rain and is supposed to end in 106 degree weather! So we made our way down to Lowes Garden Center and lo and behold they had a special section just for succulents and cacti and had mini four packs of a HUGE variety of different types of succulents! I spend about 30 minutes picking out a variety of succulents in the right colors… I tried to vary them by not only color, but height as well. In the end we left with 15 four packs (enough to do 4 plants in 15 planters) and a big bag of cactus soil.
At $3.98 a four pack, plus a $4 bag of soil, the bill came out under $70. At about $4 a centerpiece (considering the planters we built were basically free) I consider this DIY project a success! They may not be the cheapest, but we plan to reuse/replant ever single succulent in our backyard after the wedding… and may I point out that succulents will eternally pay you back because you can always start a new plant off of a single leaf of an existing plant… in fact, we have 4 teeny tiny babies growing right now!
So here is the outcome… and keep in mind that they will fill out a lot more by September. (Also, before the wedding, I intend to use Spanish moss to fill in between the plants to hide the dirt) Sidenote: this morning, when I left the house for work I swear it looked like the plants had already had a growth spurt!

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