Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Insanity: Week 4 and 5 "Recovery Week"

Okay, so a double update on my Insanity journey! I didn't do an update after week 4 because it was basically just a repeat of week 3... as usual we were just trying to keep up! "Recovery" week consisted of a lighter workout that was supposed to be easy on us after a month of craziness, but let me tell you, Insanity's idea of a "light" workout is still harder than most other workout videos. So... the our first failure in this whole experience, we only ended up doing about half the days of the recovery week. I had started having severe knee pain toward the end of week 4 and that was definitely slowing me down, then, about half way through recovery week I slept weird on my neck and couldn't move my head at all for like 2 days straight. This all happened, conveniently, about the same time where James and I decided to take recovery week a little more literally... as in, we didn't workout for like 4 days.

I, personally, needed the break though... my body (especially my legs) just felt racked. At first I felt like a lame ass not finishing out the week, but now, in the aftermath of the break, I am glad we did it. My knees feel completely recovered and yesterday (our first day of month 2!) I had a lot of energy, contrary to how I thought I would feel.

Going into month 2, there are a lot of changes. I am really focusing on controlling my moves and landing softly... I can already see a difference in the stress on the knees just by paying more attention to them. I have also added glucosamine and zinc to my daily pill poppin' and I'm looking forward to seeing if the glucosamine helps with my joint pain.

Like I said, the first day of month 2 is in the books... look for the update on cuh-raaaazy month 2 in about a week!

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