Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DIY: Adding Succulents to the Centerpieces

Finally, I have another wedding project to post about... this weekend we decided to buy the succulents to fill our centerpieces with! I wanted to be able to let the plants fill out a bit and what better time to get them started than in a week that started with rain and is supposed to end in 106 degree weather! So we made our way down to Lowes Garden Center and lo and behold they had a special section just for succulents and cacti and had mini four packs of a HUGE variety of different types of succulents! I spend about 30 minutes picking out a variety of succulents in the right colors… I tried to vary them by not only color, but height as well. In the end we left with 15 four packs (enough to do 4 plants in 15 planters) and a big bag of cactus soil.
At $3.98 a four pack, plus a $4 bag of soil, the bill came out under $70. At about $4 a centerpiece (considering the planters we built were basically free) I consider this DIY project a success! They may not be the cheapest, but we plan to reuse/replant ever single succulent in our backyard after the wedding… and may I point out that succulents will eternally pay you back because you can always start a new plant off of a single leaf of an existing plant… in fact, we have 4 teeny tiny babies growing right now!
So here is the outcome… and keep in mind that they will fill out a lot more by September. (Also, before the wedding, I intend to use Spanish moss to fill in between the plants to hide the dirt) Sidenote: this morning, when I left the house for work I swear it looked like the plants had already had a growth spurt!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Insanity: Week 6

So week 6 wasn't exactly the "kickstart" of a week that I hoped it had been. We missed a few days but mostly I feel like our diet skills have been slacking (and I contribute this to the warm weather and our desire need for cold beer). We missed Tuesday to help my mom move, so I don't feel guilty about that... and Saturday James went to a dirt bike race while I stayed home, did a ton house work, cleaned out our garage (a grueling, 3 hour task) and walked my dogs... so, yeah, I didn't do Insanity, but I definitely didn't slack on burning the calories! And, I was super proud of myself on Wednesday and Friday when my workout partner wasn't around and I still did my workout for the day... it was really hard to get up off the couch and do it alone! So even though it wasn't a picture perfect Insanity workout week, I feel good about it and I look forward to this week.

As for our diet, we have still been pretty good during the work week. Our weakest points are still the weekends and doing the whole "5 small meals" thing. And although James has made his peace with the fact that alcohol sometimes accounts for half of his calories in a day, I'm still struggling... it's muscles vs. Miller 64.

James has lost almost 12 pounds (I think) and looks much thinner overall but he is still hating the workouts, I don't think he will ever get used to them. I, personally, haven't lost any weight but have still noticed many positive physical changes, specifically a major shrinkage in my love handles and the formation of teeny tiny abs trying to come to the surface (I just need to burn more stomach fat to let them show through more!)

Until next week, we are just trying to continue truckin' along... month 2 is rough, but we are surviving!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Insanity: Week 4 and 5 "Recovery Week"

Okay, so a double update on my Insanity journey! I didn't do an update after week 4 because it was basically just a repeat of week 3... as usual we were just trying to keep up! "Recovery" week consisted of a lighter workout that was supposed to be easy on us after a month of craziness, but let me tell you, Insanity's idea of a "light" workout is still harder than most other workout videos. So... the our first failure in this whole experience, we only ended up doing about half the days of the recovery week. I had started having severe knee pain toward the end of week 4 and that was definitely slowing me down, then, about half way through recovery week I slept weird on my neck and couldn't move my head at all for like 2 days straight. This all happened, conveniently, about the same time where James and I decided to take recovery week a little more literally... as in, we didn't workout for like 4 days.

I, personally, needed the break though... my body (especially my legs) just felt racked. At first I felt like a lame ass not finishing out the week, but now, in the aftermath of the break, I am glad we did it. My knees feel completely recovered and yesterday (our first day of month 2!) I had a lot of energy, contrary to how I thought I would feel.

Going into month 2, there are a lot of changes. I am really focusing on controlling my moves and landing softly... I can already see a difference in the stress on the knees just by paying more attention to them. I have also added glucosamine and zinc to my daily pill poppin' and I'm looking forward to seeing if the glucosamine helps with my joint pain.

Like I said, the first day of month 2 is in the books... look for the update on cuh-raaaazy month 2 in about a week!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Thanks to the Swedish (IKEA)

So yesterday we made out with a fat haul from IKEA!

I have been searching the web for the best prices on a ton of items for the wedding and so far, I haven't had any luck with any one store or site in particular. Lunabazaar.com has great deals on paper lanterns and Quickcandles.com definitely has the cheapest votive candles... but no one place has been able to satisfy all of my needs. I mean, shopping online is the way to go if you want to save money but the more places you shop from the more shipping fees you are paying! So anyway, I stumbled upon an IKEA ad somewhere and saw these adorable galvanized looking lanterns... then, after perusing the website for a while, I realized they had a TON of stuff I could use (and we all know IKEA is super affordable)!

So I made the trek to IKEA since they don't really ship small items online and I took the fiance with me (IKEA can be intimidating alone and for some reason, his manly sense of direction helps me out... I would literally get lost in that place without him). And here's the haul...

Candles, the large ones were $2 each, the small were $4 for 4, it's hard to tell in this picture, but the small ones aren't votives, they are larger... and the larger ones are for inside the lanterns...

Lanterns. We got 2 at $8 each (they are about a foot tall) Even Marshalls and Ross didn't have lanterns this cheap, plus these ones are way cuter...I'm not 100% sure what we will be using these for but I am thinking some sort of arrangement on the guest book table and maybe the dessert table? How cute will these look with some moss around the bottom of the candle?

Napkins. I just had to snag these, 100 jumbo napkins for $2! I think these will be great for the bar and the dessert table!

A 3 tier serving tray for the dessert table...cupcakes maybe? This was $20 and the best part is that I will totally be using this puppy all of the time (not just for my wedding)

Just one more cake stand, I had to get this one because it was really short (the stand is only about 2 inches high) I needed some varying heights in my cake stands... this came in at $15

A few more flat serving platters for the dessert table, the large white one was about $5 I think and the small one was $3...

These cute little serving dishes were about $2 each, I thought they would be perfect for some after dinner mints or something?? Who knows... but they were $2 so I swiped 'em!

 So my total IKEA haul was somewhere around $90 which isn't bad for how much stuff we got! But I want to take this opportunity to also show off a few other sweet finds that have found their way into my wedding pile...

So... a tiny back story... I found these really awesome women at the bridal show I went to and basically what they do for a living is rent out adorable vintage wedding decor to brides. They have everything from furniture to mason jars that you can rent. Well I was super excited to use them, but after I got a quote, their prices just weren't in my budget. But then I realized that a lot of their stuff, although more valuable because of the "vintage" aspect , I could probably just buy (and own) for the same price (or cheaper)... so here are a few of my finds...

Lace tablecloths, they don't look so cute in the packaging, but they are pretty and they are a pretty good size. The vintage rental place charged $15 each to rent, I found all 3 for under $28
Found this 17 gallon galvanized bucket for $23, and although the rental gals only charged $20, once again, I get to keep this puppy... I am going to use this as an ice chest for water bottles during our ceremony... and THEN for beers at our many future barbeque's!

I needed a few larger chalkboard for a few of my ideas and although the rental gals' chalkboards were cuter (more intricate frames), these were way cheaper. I got the 23"x35" for $19.99 and the 17"x23" for $11.99, the vintage rental place wanted $30 each for smaller boards... so I saved almost $30 and I can keep these chalkboards for some non-wedding projects I have in mind!
So that is it for now, I just had to share my good deals, because for the most part when it comes to weddings, even a good deal is ridiculously expensive... and plus, it's nice when I can spend my money knowing that I am buying something that I can use for a long time and not just one day!