Thursday, January 10, 2013


I don’t know what to call it… theme? Style? Vibe? Well, whatever it is, it sets the mood for the wedding. It’s the colors, the lighting, the centerpieces, the linens, the flowers, the décor. It sets the stage for invitations, my dress and so, so much more.
Throughout the years, I’ve gone back and forth about this, especially colors. For the longest time through my teenage years, I wanted my wedding to my fun and chic… like everything pink and black, with an ice-sculpture-vodka-shoot. Then I wanted a hip, funky theme, with fluorescent aqua’s and bright red and Converse shoes on the groomsmen (yuck, I hate that idea nowadays… for me anyway) But as I got older (and actually got engaged), I finally decided that I needed a wedding whose décor, colors and overall “feeling” was not only ME, but was timeless… as in, I could look back on it in 20 years and still thin, “what a beautiful wedding that is”, rather than “was” (Like those product-of-the-80’s weddings that will never look good again!).
So as far as colors, I definitely know what I want, I’ve had them set in my mind for years know and I’m confident these are “the”colors … and here they are…

 Soft, pale pinks, salmons and peaches... with a few accent colors, especially the soft turquoise/aqua. I think this is a solid color scheme… it's mellow, not too dramatic or crazy. It’s timeless and it will be easy to match to flowers, bridesmaid’s dresses and desserts. Also, I think it will transition nicely from day to night… imagine these colors under the lighting of candles and twinkle lights... they are warm and inviting, and look good for a late summer wedding!
Here is a mini "inspiration board"

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